Advanced training to strengthen
the nursing role

Advanced training to strengthen the nursing role

Nursing professionals play a key role in trauma care.

They are responsible for providing comprehensive care

to injuredpatients, from the initial assessment to

rehabilitation. They also handle coordination and

communication with healthcareteams and provide

support to patients and their families, accompanying

them throughout the recovery process.

Nursing professionals play a key role in trauma care. They are responsible for providing comprehensive care to injured patients, from the initial assessment to rehabilitation. They also handle coordination and communication with healthcare teams and provide support to patients and their families, accompanying them throughout the recovery process.

What is it

ATCN (Advanced Trauma Care for Nurses) is a training program designed exclusively to provide advanced trauma management skills to nursing professionals.

We promote its development in Argentina in collaboration with national and international scientific organizations. We inaugurated the course in August 2015, becoming the first organization to offer specific training for nurses in Argentina based on international standards.

This marked an achievement for the healthcare sector and an opportunity to strengthen the role of nurses in clinical practice.




It is the only training in the world aimed at equipping registered nurses to provide high-quality care to injured patients in emergency situations.

It provides specific knowledge and skills to rapidly identify and treat potentially life-threatening injuries and effectively contribute to the healthcare team.


For Whom


It is aimed at nurses working in emergency services, intensive care units, operating rooms, and other areas related to the care of injured patients.

The ATCN certification grants nurses an internationally recognized credential that validates their knowledge and skills in trauma management, allowing them to play a more active and effective role in the multidisciplinary care team.


Participants receive a manual. Topics covered include the initial assessment of the traumatized patient, management of specific injuries, hemodynamic stabilization, airway control, pain management, and drug administration, among others.

Through the program, nurses acquire skills to assess patients and intervene in complex clinical situations that jeopardize a person’s life.

The program includes theoretical sessions and practical stations. The theoretical classes are taught by the same instructors from the Advanced Trauma Life Support® (ATLS) program of the American College of Surgeons (ACS).

And in the practical classes, participants can practice the skills learned in simulated trauma scenarios, including:

  • Initial care
  • Airway management and ventilation
  • Pediatric trauma
  • Hemorrhagic shock
  • Musculoskeletal and spinal cord trauma
  • Cranial trauma


  • Face-to-face modality
  • Bibliographic material: student manual and ATCN and ATLS instructor manual
  • Final evaluation
  • Certificate delivery
  • Credential delivery
  • Total duration: two days
  • Student workload: 17.5 hours
  • Instructor workload: 16.75 hours
  • Update workload: 14.5 hours
  • Lunches and coffee breaks included


Supported by:

  • Society of Trauma Nurses (STN)


  • Learn the latest evidence-based practices in trauma care.
  • Develop the skills and knowledge needed to provide high-quality care to trauma patients.
  • Have the opportunity to connect with other nurses interested in trauma care.
  • Earn continuing education credits for the course.

Starting Date

  • For students: August 19th and 20th, 2023
  • For instructors: August 22nd and 23rd, 2023